My thanks to my two very efficient and cheerful stewards. I was pleased with the entry and found no common faults. Temperaments were typical of the breed and movement was good overall.
JD (2, 1) 1 Constantine's Kaleginy The Forester. Pleasing head with dark eye and neat ear carriage, well grown with good bone and muscle, rather upright in front but balanced by rear angulation. Moved easily but still needs time to settle coming and going.
GD (3) 1 Heap's Leoch Jamie Of Fintalloch. Strong, well boned dog with pleasant head, not the darkest of eyes, rather flat topline and steep fallaway of croup, well balanced angulation and really easy ground covering stride. 2 Sharp's Killoeter Skye. Very shapely dog, pleasant head with dark eye and well carried ears, not the bone of first but with balanced angulation front and rear, movement difficult to assess as he was playing up on the move, but looked to stride out well. 3 Grogan's Albaeirn Col Ciotach.
PGD (3, 1) 1 Finnet & Heathcote's Hyndsight Desperado. Pleasing head with dark eye and very well carried ears, good straight forelegs, stands on neat feet, well boned with ample depth and width of ribcage. Well balanced angulation and presented in good coat, he just needs to mature a little more to be considered for top awards. 2 Freeman's Stranwith Roag At Glooscap. Young dog with good strong neck and pleasing head, not the angulation of first but with good tuck up and topline, tends to carry his tail a little high, moved well in profile but still needs to settle coming and going.
LD (4, 1) 1 McKinnon's Finlas At Claonaiglen. Pleasant head carried on strong neck, neat ear carriage, balanced angulation, rather flat topline and would prefer a little more tuck up, moved well in profile. 2 Sharp's Rosslyn Qonnor. Lighter throughout than first. Pleasant head, good straight front legs, reasonable depth of chest and length of back with good topline, movement a little erratic coming and going but better in profile. 3 Milne & Andrews' Islay's Iaela To Leoch (Imp Deu).
OD (5, 2) A delight to have three such quality hounds. 1 Baumann's Ch Regalflight Tarloch. Proud head carriage set on strong neck. Well laid shoulder and deep chest, good width and depth throughout with strong loin, plenty of bone, well ribbed back, good strong well angulated rear quarters and standing on good feet, coat a little long and soft but plenty to like beneath, moved with real drive with excellent front extension. CC and BOB. 2 MacBean's Killoeter Ruaig. Quality balanced hound. Pleasing head and expression and strong well muscled quarters. Ample width and depth of ribcage, good top and underline, presented in good coat, but just preferred the movement of first. Res CC. 3 Davis & MacIntyre's Killoeter Quern At Cuillinmor.
VB (1) 1 Robertson's Chuilinn Afra. Almost nine years old, but in excellent condition. Lovely dark eye and neat ear carriage, well balanced angulation, ample depth and width throughout, lovely low set hocks and feet, movement belied her age as she strode out well.
PB (3) 1 Milne & Andrews' Leoch Kelpie. Compact youngster who needs plenty of time to develop. Pleasing head with feminine expression, well boned, good underline but topline needs to settle, moves really well for one so young. 2 McKinnon's Claonaiglen Carron. Quite a pleasing outline with good length of back and good fallaway of croup, pleasant head, well carried, balanced angulation, low set hock and standing on good feet, not striding out as well as one and needs to settle coming and going. 3 Gray's Leoch Kilspindie.
GB (5, 1) 1 Robertson's Chuilinn Berengaria. Substantial bitch with pleasing head with well carried ears, straight forelegs and good feet, ample depth and width throughout with balanced angulation, presented in good coat, she moved with ease covering plenty of ground. 2 Taylor & Peach's Kilbourne Tess To Talorpeche. Finer in bone than first with not as feminine head and expression. Still not fully developed, she needs to deepen but has balanced angulation and is well muscled. Still needs to settle on the move. 3 Lyons' Stranwith Demelza.
PGB (3, 1) 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Because The Night. Well balanced bitch with lovely angulation and standing on good feet, correct top and underline, well muscled rear quarters with good width through second thigh, moved well in profile but not settled coming and going. 2 Lindsay's Celticmoon Shadow Magic. Older and slightly more developed than first, pleasant head, good underline, balanced angulation with not the developed muscle of first, movement sound and true.
LB (3, 1) 1 Swanson's Cotherstone Brogue Of Altimarlach. Very feminine head and expression, well carried, well boned with good top and underline, balanced angulation with well developed rear quarters, moved with easy action covering plenty of ground and true both coming and going. RCC. 2 Doaks' Rosslyn Qorrie. Well boned and muscled bitch standing on good feet. Not as feminine in head and expression as first with not as good a topline standing. Presented in good coat, she moved well in profile.
OB (8, 2) 1 MacBean's Ch Killoeter Ralia. Typical well balanced bitch presented in excellent coat and muscular condition, ample depth and width throughout with correct top and underline, well boned, she presents a very shapely outline, moved well in profile. CC. 2 Smart's Kessoch Marsco Of Greystiel. Ran first close. Typical head and expression and well carried ears, well balanced angulation, good deep chest with ample width of ribcage, movement a little close in rear but good in profile. 3 Taylor's Kilbourne Pandora To Talorpeche.
Keith Pursglove